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Service Packages in Wheaton, IL

Broad Shoulders Handyman offers our Wheaton, IL residents fantastic service packages. We’re here for your needs, whether you need a full day’s work of projects or a need a few tasks completed to cross them off your list. We understand a to-do list can get out-of-hand quickly, so we’re here with simple upgrades and home enhancements to meet your needs. Our skilled professionals have years of experience repairing small and extensive projects around the house. Our service packages ensure the work gets done quickly and efficiently. Trust our fully insured team of technicians with your most significant projects. Contact us today for more information on our packages.

Three workers and a man smiling and shaking hands and a woman smiling


¼ Day: Handyman, Truck, Tools, & *Consumables – $295

Half Day: Handyman, Truck, Tools, & *Consumables – $525

¾ Day: Handyman, Truck, Tools, & *Consumables – $750

Full Day: Handyman, Truck, Tools, & *Consumables – $995

*Consumables are small truck stock items such as tape, glue, caulk, screws, nails, dust masks, booties, garbage bags etc.  Our rates do not include the larger material items.

We recommend our customers pick up as much of the materials as possible. If we need to make a trip to the store we charge $95 plus our marked up material costs.

If you call us at 815-390-9400 and describe your tasks, we should be able to give you a pretty good idea whether our Handymen can finish in a half day or full day etc. right over the phone.

We can provide a hard estimate for larger and more complicated projects and repairs.  However we must charge a $50 proposal fee, but if our quoted work is accepted, that fee will be fully deducted from your final bill.

In addition, we recently added a new location at 12438 S. Rt. 59 in Plainfield where you can sit down and discuss your projects with our Pros.  They can help budget your list quickly and provide their expertise at no cost.


5% discounts for seniors and veterans.


Broad Shoulders Handyman Services only does hard estimates for larger more complicated projects and repairs, such as bathroom, kitchen, and basement remodels, deck repairs etc..  If you have a smaller project, call us so we can help you budget your improvement.

Reduce Your Stress With Our Service Packages

Broad Shoulders Handyman is proud to offer multiple types of packages designed for your home. Our licensed, bonded, and skilled craftsmen are here to meet your needs. We understand nagging repairs and minor upgrades get lost in the mix of extensive projects, so let us take these off your plate. We’ll reduce your stress and ensure your home is stunning and in excellent condition. While we’re in your home, we guarantee that we’ll trust it like our own with the utmost respect. Contact us to ask us about any of our service packages and set an appointment today!

Call Us Today for Handyman Services!